Smart Speakers Amazon Echo vs Google Home

June 15, 2021

Smart Speakers Amazon Echo vs Google Home

When it comes to smart speakers, Amazon Echo and Google Home are two of the most popular options in the market. Both offer impressive features that make our lives easier, but which one is better? In this article, we'll compare the Amazon Echo and Google Home to help you make an informed decision.

Design and Size

The Amazon Echo and Google Home both come in different sizes and designs, allowing users to choose according to their preference. The Echo has a sleek, cylindrical shape and is available in different colors, while the Google Home has a minimalist design with customizable bases that come in different fabric or metal finishes.

  • Amazon Echo: 148mm x 88mm x 88mm
  • Google Home: 142.8mm x 96.4mm

While the size difference is negligible, the Google Home's shorter height can be an advantage if you prefer a more compact device.

Voice Assistant

Since smart speakers revolve around voice assistants, it's crucial to compare which one performs better in terms of understanding and responding to queries.

Amazon's Alexa has been in the market longer than Google Assistant, giving it more experience in working with a wide range of smart devices. Alexa can perform over 100,000 skills and offers far more third-party compatibility with smart home devices compared to Google Assistant.

Google Assistant, on the other hand, excels in understanding natural language and has the ability to continue a conversation without the need to repeat the wake word, making it feel more like having an actual conversation versus interacting with a bot.

Sound Quality

Sound quality is a huge factor when it comes to smart speakers, especially when you plan to use them for music playback. The Amazon Echo has a more robust bass and mid-range sound, which is great for music but can sound slightly hollow in higher frequencies. Google Home, on the other hand, has a well-balanced sound and clearer treble, resulting in a more balanced sound profile.

  • Amazon Echo: 2.5" woofer, 0.6" tweeter
  • Google Home: high-excursion speaker with 2" driver and dual 2" passive radiators.


Lastly, we have the price to consider. The Amazon Echo is generally cheaper than Google Home, but the price varies depending on the model's size and features.

For instance:

  • Amazon Echo Dot: $49.99
  • Amazon Echo (4th Gen): $99.99
  • Google Home Mini: $49.99
  • Google Nest Audio: $99.99


In conclusion, both Amazon Echo and Google Home are excellent smart speaker options, but they have different strengths that cater to different preferences. Alexa is great for users with an extensive smart device network, whereas Google Assistant is great at understanding language and offering a more natural conversation experience. When it comes to sound quality, the Echo is better for bass-heavy tracks, and the Home excels in a more balanced sound profile. As for pricing, it's always best to weigh the features and consider what meets your needs the most.


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